Hi there, I'm Fran J

A frontend developer specialized in Vue and Nuxt. Join me in my blog and learn about my projects, skills and how I use these tools to create interactive and scalable web applications. Let's learn together!

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Recent Projects
  • Project 1 - His mother had always taught him

    His mother had always taught him not to ever think of himself as better than others. He'd tried to live by this motto. He never looked down on those who were less fortunate or who had less money than him. But the stupidity of the group of people he was talking to made him change his mind.

  • Project 2 - His mother had always taught him

    His mother had always taught him not to ever think of himself as better than others. He'd tried to live by this motto. He never looked down on those who were less fortunate or who had less money than him. But the stupidity of the group of people he was talking to made him change his mind.

  • Project 3 - His mother had always taught him

    His mother had always taught him not to ever think of himself as better than others. He'd tried to live by this motto. He never looked down on those who were less fortunate or who had less money than him. But the stupidity of the group of people he was talking to made him change his mind.